코인정보 #COINKO Upcoming 일정 (1/14)
페이지 정보
#COINKO Upcoming 일정 (1/14)
ㅡ Source: COINKO(@Coinkokr, 트위터 (https://twitter.com/coinkoio))
오늘의 일정
Summoners Arena: Genesis Hero Chests NFT Sale (1/10~1/15)
ㅡ Round 3 Summoners Arena Site, GuildFi (https://summonersarena.substack.com/p/summoners-ar)(1/14~1/15)
Firework($FIRE) Animoca Launchpad (https://fireworkgames.medium.com/fire-x-animoca-brands-launchpad-token-presale-campaign-38bcb7689ac5) (1/14)
ㅡ Twitter: 87k, Discord: 15k
정수영 작가 Upbit Drops (https://upbit.com/nft/drops) (1/14)
Starly($STARLY) Blocto Launchpad (https://medium.com/portto/blocto-launchpad-1-starly-9bee09ce2c32) (1/14~1/26)
ㅡ KYC (1/14~1/18), Launchpad (1/19~1/24)
[Huobi Global] Ocean Protocol($OCEAN) will list
토큰세일 & NFT 민팅
[Binance] : League of Kingdoms($LOKA) Launchpad (https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/4875ad4e8084442a8831623cd7cccfb2) snapshot (1/12~20)
1. Gap Rare Drop (https://nft.gap.com/)(1/15)
Epic Drop (https://nft.gap.com/) (1/19)
2. Oasis Punks Minting (1/20 5 am)
ㅡ Twitter: 15k, Telegram: 0.7K
3. CryptoBatzNFT - Launch (1/20)
ㅡ Twitter: 46k, Discord: 66k
4. Nas NFT - Ultra Black Drop(1/21 3 am)
(http://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=76938) Nas NFT - Rare Drop(1/21 11 am)
(http://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=76938)ㅡ Twitter: 37k, Discord: 14k
5. Froyo Games($FROYO) Pancakeswap IFO (1/22)
ㅡVCs: Animoca, Spartan, GBV, Genblock Capital and more
6. Parallel - NFT Mint (https://twitter.com/ParallelNFT/status/1481789270859919371) (1/25)
7. KlayCity - Land NFT Mint (https://twitter.com/KlayCity/status/1481529137495900162) (1/27)
ㅡVCs: Krust, Animoca, Okex and more
8. Solchicks - 3rd wave Binance NFT mint(Soon)
ㅡ Twitter: 296k, Discord: 242k, $CHICKS
9. ATLAS DEX - Solstarter IDO (Soon)
ㅡVCs: Huobi Ventures, GBV, AU21 and more
10. MetaKongz - NFT Mint (https://twitter.com/meta_kongz/status/1481793294518480896?s=20) (in Feb)
ㅡ 가수 선미 콜라보
거래소 주요 일정
[FTX] PsyOption($PSY) IEO (1/18)
ㅡVCs: Alameda, GBV, CMS
[Huobi Global] GARI Network($GARI) Primelist(1/18)
ㅡVCs: AU21, NGC, Alameda, Solana and more
[Binance] Polkadot($DOT): Parachain reward 분배연기 (https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/f7fea4eea21243ceb698988f4a0803c9)(~02/16)
[Bithumb] Travel rule 화이트리스트 절차 안내 예정 (http://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=76861)(1월 중)
[Robinhood] 암호화폐 지갑 베타 버전 출시(1월 중)
거시 일정
미국 첫 비트코인 현물 ETF결정, 3월로 연기
(http://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=76938)FOMC 정례회의(1/26~27)
헝다 12/28일 만기 $225.2m 채권이자 지급 30일 유예 (https://www.mk.co.kr/news/economy/view/2021/12/1215259/)(1/27)
헝다 채권이자 $117.5m 데드라인 (https://www.ft.com/content/e0a447f9-b4c2-45dc-bfc8-755b284d18d2)(1/23~24)
홈택스 가상자산 조회화면 오픈 예정 (http://www.coindeskkorea.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=76838)(3월 중)
코인 일정
Fantom ($FTM): Andre suggests new project (https://twitter.com/AndreCronjeTech/status/1477993815650848775)(TBA)
Bora($BORA): Bora 2.0 Rebranding (Soon)
Polkadot($DOT): Parachain 2nd Batch 6~11th auction(~3/5)
Stacks($STX) ALEX Defi Platform Launching (1/17)
Glitch Protocol($GLCH) Mainnet Launch (1/17)
Polygon($MATIC) EIP-1559 Mainnet Activate (https://twitter.com/0xPolygon/status/1480968021266997248) (1/18)
Kava($KAVA): KAVA 9 Mainnet Launch (1/20 1am)
Oasis($ROSE): Rose garden Launchpad info open (https://medium.com/@oasiskorea/%EC%98%A4%EC%95%84%EC%8B%9C%EC%8A%A4-%EB%84%A4%ED%8A%B8%EC%9B%8C%ED%81%AC%EC%9D%98-%EC%B2%AB-%EB%9F%B0%EC%B9%98%ED%8C%A8%EB%93%9C-%EB%9F%B0%EC%B9%98%EA%B0%80%EB%93%A0-%EC%86%8C%EA%B0%9C-6fffdb0aa3d4)(~1/31)
ICON(ICX): ICON v.2.2 Release (https://twitter.com/helloiconworld/status/1478746361516331008) (~1/31)
Orion Protocol($ORN): Orion Bridge will be live(~1/31)
(https://blog.orionprotocol.io/kickoff2022)Theta Network($THETA): TNT20 Launching(in Feb)
Theta Network($THETA): TDROP (2/1)
ApeNFT($NFT): Plan to launch Marketplace (https://waitlist.apenftex.com/)(Soon)
Cosmos($ATOM): Theta Upgrade (https://github.com/cosmos/gaia/blob/main/docs/roadmap/cosmos-hub-roadmap-2.0.md?s=09) (in Mar)
Solice($SLC): 1.1 soft launch (https://docs.solice.io/more/roadmap) , Land pre-sale (Q1)
Splinterlands($SPS): Validator Node Software (https://www.splintertalk.io/@splinterlands/splintershards-sps-2022-roadmap) (Q1)
*이 정보는 투자 권유 목적이 아니며 투자의 책임은 항상 본인에게 있습니다.
**위 내용은 참고용 자료로 일정은 변경될 수 있으며, 제공되는 정보와 실제 정보가 상이할 수 있으므로 반드시 해당 사실을 직접 확인하시기 바랍니다.
참조: Coinmarketcal
코인코 금주의 주요 일정 (https://twitter.com/Coinkoio/status/1477873273098891265?s=20)
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